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Discover the transformative People Plan launched by 3PL, designed to nurture and propel talent from within. This innovative strategy includes comprehensive development stages from "Rookie to Rockstar," aiming to attract, develop, and retain top talent while fostering a culture of learning and growth. Learn about the exciting opportunities and the visionary approach that 3PL is implementing to shape the future of its workforce.

The secret is out and we can’t wait to share the news

Over at 3PL Towers, our creative Labs have been in overdrive of late in mapping out the future for the secret of our success otherwise known as OUR PEOPLE.

Following an internal launch in early April, we’re delighted to share with our community a brief insight into our newly created People Plan. The plan has 4 simple drivers that when combined make for a game-changing proposition.

Our VisionTo attract, retain, develop and reward “Top Talent”

Our EthosEveryone deserves a chance to shine

Our Pledge – To create a culture of learning and development

Our Program – From “Rookie to Rockstar”

There’s immense pride in supporting colleagues in taking their talents and careers to the next level and we’re buzzing with excitement. The future trail blazers are potentially within our ranks and our competency-based program is attuned to identify such talent early on in the assessment process.

Our carefully designed development program is designed to take colleagues on a learning journey with 3PL and help them fulfil their true potential in progressing through the three stages of Rookie, Rising Star and Rockstar at each and every level in the business from entry-level staff through to Senior Management.

Rosie Currie, HR Manager at 3PL added:

The truth about career progression is that there’s a dying opportunity for emerging talent to demonstrate their potential with a growing number of employers seeking to recruit “oven ready” talent directly into the business as opposed to “growing their own”. At 3PL we seek to adopt a more blended mix of new recruits fused alongside progressive colleagues.

With our unique Rookie to Rockstar competency program you get to fly your own plane, sail your own ship, walk your own walk and we simply create the progression doors for our colleagues to walk through for those colleagues that have the vision to do so. At 3PL we carry a simple belief that the limiting factor is the mindset of the individual and never the employer and working hard to ensure progressive mindsets exist throughout our organisation.”

More learning / more pay / more prospects – what’s not to like?

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Nice to meet you, I am a marketing lover with a flair for creating strategies and engaging content that aligns with a brands image and ethos. I've been fortunate to work with brands in the fashion, health, and beauty industries, creating compelling narratives that resonate with their audience.

Frequently asked questions

What are the key components of the 3PL People Plan?

The 3PL People Plan is built around four pillars: attracting top talent, providing opportunities for everyone to shine, committing to continuous learning and development, and guiding employees from rookie levels to rockstar status within the company.

How does the "Rookie to Rockstar" program work?

This program is a tailored development pathway that supports employees at all levels, helping them progress through stages of growth – Rookie, Rising Star, and Rockstar—with targeted training and opportunities to advance their careers.

What makes 3PL's approach to career progression unique?

Unlike many companies that recruit ready-made talent, 3PL focuses on cultivating its own workforce, offering a blend of new recruits and existing employees opportunities to advance through a competency-based program that encourages personal and professional growth.