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Explore the transformative power of omnichannel order fulfilment in today’s competitive ecommerce landscape. Learn how to seamlessly integrate multiple sales channels and streamline operations for enhanced customer satisfaction and business growth.

These days, consumers enjoy exploring diverse channels when it comes to shopping. Whether it’s browsing online marketplaces, checking out ecommerce platforms, or scrolling through social media feeds, they’re all about convenience and choice. That’s why nailing your omnichannel order fulfilment strategy is key!

Ready to dive in and make your omnichannel journey a success?

Why is omnichannel ecommerce important?

Curious about how you’re getting your products out there? If you’re checking this out, chances are you already have an online store.

But have you thought about branching out to other platforms like Amazon, eBay, or even Instagram?
Expanding to multiple channels is what we call omnichannel retail or omnichannel ecommerce.
Here’s the deal, it opens a whole new world of potential customers for you.

And hey, don’t just take our word for it. A study of 46,000 shoppers found that 73% of online shoppers use multiple channels when they shop.

Translation? If you’re sticking to just one or two channels (like your online store), you might be missing out on potential of sales.

So, you’re thinking, “Alright then, time to spread my wings and dive into these extra channels!”
That’s a smart move. But, with this switch to omnichannel ecommerce, you’ll also want to get familiar with omnichannel fulfilment.

What is omnichannel fulfilment?

Say you’ve taken our advice and spread your wings across different channels.
Now, fingers crossed, orders are streaming in from all corners.

Enter omnichannel fulfilment, it’s all about seamlessly managing orders from various sales channels in one smooth operation.

So, whether it’s an order from your online shop or one from your Amazon account, you’ve got a reliable, no fuss process for getting that order to your customer.

Basically, omnichannel fulfilment is a way of delivering products to customers that integrates multiple sales channels, like online stores, physical shops, and mobile apps. To achieve seamless fulfilment, you need one digital hub that connects with all your sales channels. This hub acts like a control tower, keeping all your orders in one place and making sure nothing slips through the cracks.

You know you’ve nailed omnichannel fulfilment when your customers can’t even tell where they bought from, whether it’s Amazon, eBay, your website, or anywhere else!

The secrets to a successful omnichannel order fulfilment strategy

Sure, we know all about the importance of a smooth, seamless omnichannel fulfilment process. But how do you actually make it happen?

Well, lucky for you, we here at 3PL have some tips to share! Check them out below.

Order visibility

Perhaps the most important part of creating a successful omnichannel fulfilment strategy is ensuring your team has complete visibility over all your orders.

Expanding from just one place to many (like your online store, Amazon, and eBay) ramps up the need for order visibility. Lose track of an order or forget about it altogether, and you might find yourself dealing with one seriously unhappy customer!

As we mentioned earlier, the key to keeping tabs on orders across all those channels is to invest in a digital dashboard. It’s like having all your retail channels under one roof, making order management a breeze!

Inventory management

With orders pouring in from various retail channels, it’s crucial to keep your inventory as current as can be.
Don’t forget to stay on top of your inventory, especially when you’re partnering up with big players like Amazon. You wouldn’t want to advertise something as in stock when it’s not, trust us, it can lead to some not so fun penalties.

Teaming up with 3PL can be a game-changer for your inventory headaches. We’ll handle all the nitty gritty of inventory management, leaving you free to focus on what you do best.


Communication is the golden rule of your omnichannel fulfilment game plan.

No matter if your customer’s hitting up your online store, sliding into your eBay DMs, or shopping on Insta, staying in touch every step of the way is key. Gone are the days of just sending an order confirmation and calling it a day.

By teaming up with pros like 3PL, you can kick back while we handle all the talking. We’ll dish out real time updates on shipments, tracking info, returns, you name it!


No matter where your customers hit that “order” button, they’re counting on getting the right stuff, nicely packed, and right on time.

That’s where the magic of quick, efficient picking, packing, and shipping comes into play. But did you know, different retail channels, especially big players like Amazon, have their own rules about packaging and shipping.

That’s why bringing in experts is often your best bet. We’ve got the know-how to navigate all those specific shipping requirements across various channels, so you can breathe easy and keep those customers smiling.


Let’s talk returns. According to Shopify’s latest research, a good chunk of online shoppers sends back anywhere from 5% to 15% of what they buy.

That’s why nailing your returns game is a must for your omnichannel strategy. But here’s the thing, the same with Shipping, each platform has its own rules for returns, which can be a headache to learn, especially if you’re juggling multiple channels.

But fear not! We’ve got returns covered across all those different platforms, with all their quirks and rules. Easy peasy!

Outsource your omnichannel order fulfilment today

Just like cooking up a secret sauce, creating a successful omnichannel order fulfilment strategy requires a blend of different ingredients. Perfecting each ingredient often demands plenty of experience and expertise. That’s where outsourcing to 3PL comes in handy.

By letting the pros handle it, not only will your omnichannel order fulfilment run like a dream, keeping those customers beaming with satisfaction, but you’ll also find it’s a wallet-friendly choice.

Why Choose 3PL?

At 3PL, we understand that every business is unique, which is why we offer customisable solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re looking to enhance product quality, elevate customer experience, or optimise your supply chain, our team of experts is here to help you every step of the way.
You can rest easy knowing your logistics operations are in good hands. Experience the difference that value-added services can make for your business.

Want to find out more? Let’s chat!

Speak to 3PL about your eCommerce order fulfiment

It’s time to supercharge your ecommerce brand business and overtake your competitors. Speak to 3PL today and find out how we can take your ecommerce fulfilment to the next level.

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Nice to meet you, I am a marketing lover with a flair for creating strategies and engaging content that aligns with a brands image and ethos. I've been fortunate to work with brands in the fashion, health, and beauty industries, creating compelling narratives that resonate with their audience.

Frequently asked questions

How does 3PL help businesses navigate the complexities of omnichannel order fulfilment?

3PL offers comprehensive solutions tailored to each business’s unique needs, ensuring seamless integration across multiple sales channels and efficient order management.

What are the benefits of outsourcing omnichannel order fulfilment to 3PL?

By partnering with 3PL, businesses can leverage expertise and experience to optimise their supply chain, enhance customer experience, and achieve cost efficiencies in their fulfilment operations.

How does 3PL ensure consistency and reliability in omnichannel shipping and returns?

3PL’s team of experts navigates the specific requirements of each sales channel, ensuring accurate and timely shipping, as well as hassle-free returns processing, to uphold customer satisfaction across all touchpoints.